What Happens During a Mold Remediation?

What Happens During a Mold Remediation?

Hi, I’m Jeremy with MoldStar Remediation and I am a Certified Microbial Consultant. You can find me on the web at moldstarremediation.com You can also call me at 404-989-9981.

Mold Remediation & Personal Protective Equipment

The mold remediator cleaning the mold where’s personal protective equipment, so they are not exposed to mold contaminants. They wear an N95 protective mask for small projects, so they do not breathe mold contaminants. They wear a full-face respirator for larger projects. Latex gloves are essential. Goggles, ear plugs, and a coverall suit are also recommended.

Contain The Mold Infested Area

The area where the mold remediation is taking place is sealed off with plastic containment and placed under negative pressure with a fan exhausting air to the outdoors. These steps will prevent mold from spreading to unaffected areas during the mold remediation.

Remove,Clean, and Sanitize Water Damaged and Mold Contaminated Building Materials

Water damaged and mold contaminated sheetrock and insulation is cut away and discarded. Any lumber that has been soaked in water is discarded. Lumber, cement, and any other building material that was affected by water damage and mold is scrubbed with a damp cloth a scrub brush, and a mild detergent.There will be settled indoor type spores on every surface inside the containment including walls, ceiling, floor, and personal contents.You will want to HEPA vacuum and then wipe every surface inside containment with a damp cloth and a mild detergent.

Items that can be steam cleaned, dry cleaned, or washed in the washing machine can usually be sufficiently cleaned to remove mold contaminants.

Spray any surfaces that were affected by water damage and mold with a chemical that sterilizes mold. Fogging inside containment with a chemical that sterilizes mold is recommended.

Filter the Mold Contaminated Air

Air filtration machines, called air scrubbers, operate inside containment for a few days after cleaning is complete as a final step. Air samples are collected after the mold remediation is complete to determine the success of cleaning activities.

Apply an Antimicrobial Encapusale

I recommend spraying and antimicrobial encapsulate such as Fiberlock on lumber after it passed testing and inspection.Fiberlock discourages mold from returning to surfaces it has been applied to. I recommend RMR Brand chemicals for mold remediation. Call MoldStar Remediation if you have questions about mold or need a professional mold remediator for your mold remediation project.

The post What Happens During a Mold Remediation? appeared first on MoldStar Remediation.

source https://moldstarremediation.com/what-happens-during-a-mold-remediation/


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