Does Every House Have Mold?
Hi, I’m Jeremy with MoldStar Remediation and I am a Certified Microbial Consultant. You can find me on the web at You can call me at 404-989-9981. A question I am often asked is: Do most houses have mold? There is some mold in every home. Mold will grow in just a few days anywhere there is excess moisture or humidity above 55%. Mold is most common on materials such as wet tile, tubs, and toilets in living areas. Perhaps there is a small drip under the sink. There is also some mold in all unfinished basements, crawlspaces, and attics. The industry standard is that there is no visible mold present in unfinished spaces. If you do have visible mold growing in your unfinished basement, crawlspace, or attic, it is an indication there is a lot more non-visible mold you can’t see on other building material and the air is contaminated. Visible mold in unfinished spaces indicates a need for mold remediation. I recommend that occupants are able to occupy the indoor ...